//drivel.com/jlick/cgi-bin/follow clamassassin e-mail virus filter
clamassassin e-mail virus filter


2007-03-06: clamassassin 1.2.4 has been released to fix compatibility problems with ClamAV 0.90 and higher.

2007-02-17: clamassassin 1.2.3 is not compatible with ClamAV 0.90 or higher when using clamscan, however using clamdscan works fine. For more details, please refer to an announcement posted to the mailing list.


clamassassin is a simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV for use in procmail that of spamassassin, making it easy to implement for those familiar with that tool. clamassassin is designed with an emphasis on security, robustness and simplicity.

clamassassin is developed and tested on Solaris 10 but should work on any unix-like system which meet the requirements in the README. It has been reported to work on various versions of Unix, Linux, and BSD platforms. ClamAV 0.90 or higher is supported, but we recommend using the latest supported version of ClamAV.

clamassassin is Made in Taiwan.

Mailing Lists

clamassassin-announce (Archives) - Announcements of new releases, known bugs, compatibility with new ClamAV releases and other critical messages.
clamassassin-discuss (Archives) - Open discussion list for all things clamassassin related.

If you are running clamassassin on your system, please sign up for at least the clamassassin-announce mailing list so you will be notified of any updates.


Version 1.2.4 (2007-03-06)

LICENSE (Based on the Berkeley License)
README (For further detail and installation instructions)
CHANGELOG (what has changed)
Download Complete Package

Version 1.2.3 (2006-01-11)

Version 1.2.2 (2004-10-11)

Version 1.2.1 (2004-08-09)

Version 1.2.0 (2004-07-26)

Version 1.1.1 (2004-07-01)

Version 1.1.0 (2004-06-08)

Version 1.0.0 (2003-09-03)

Author: James Lick / E-mail: james.lick@gmail.com