James Lick - 黎建溥
jameslick.com - 黎建溥.com

My Family

My Wife
My Daughter
My Cat

My Links

My Restaurant New!
My Blog
My Photo Album
My Audioscrobbler
My Webcams
My Resume

My Software

clamassassin is a spamassassin-like procmail antivirus filter I wrote using ClamAV
twquake is a perl script I wrote to fetch Taiwan earthquake reports from The Central Weather Bureau

About Me

I run a small ISP and computer consultancy called tcp.com
I am chair of the anti-spam organization APCAUCE
I live in Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. and sometimes in Santa Clara, CA USA.

Goings On

New version of Tracking a Zombie Army 2005 given at APRICOT 2005 in Kyoto, Japan on February 24, 2005. I presented some information on how spammers use hacked systems to send spam at SANOG/APCAUCE5: Tracking A Zombie Army
DVD Recordable Testing
APRICOT 2004 4th AP Net-Abuse/APCAUCE meeting
I set up email alerts of Taiwan earthquake reports in English or Chinese
Internationalized Domain Names were recently activated for .com, so this website is now aka 黎建溥.com if you have an IDN compliant browser
I was appointed Chair of APCAUCE
APAN 2003 3rd AP Net-Abuse/APCAUCE meeting
We bought a new house in Taipei: Before Buying, Moving In, All settled in
Apricot 2003 2nd AP Net-Abuse/APCAUCE meeting

The Past

My old homepage

Author: James Lick / E-mail: james.lick@gmail.com